Elettra Fiumi

    Elettra Fiumi is a NY-based Florentine-American filmmaker. Her project, A Florentine Man, is based on the archives of her father, Fabrizio Fiumi, and of the 9999 Group, of which he was a member. A Florentine Man is a Graham Foundation grant winner. Her short film, 9999: Memoirs, which she produced, directed and edited, is narrated by Terry, Fabrizio's wife, and is currently on view at the Rivoluzione 9999 exhibition at the Museo del Novecento in Florence. Other extracts from A Florentine Man are in the Radical Utopias exhibition at Palazzo Strozzi in Florence and have been on view at the Biennale of Architecture in Venice, the ICA in London and at LACE gallery in Los Angeles.

    Articles by the author


    Orgies on a dancefloor: Space Electronic

    Orgies on a dancefloor. That’s what I saw in the Super 8 footage I found in my father Fabrizio Fiumi’s archive when he passed away four years ago. Like with ...