Michele Capecchi

    Michele Capecchi, a registered lawyer and member of the Florence Bar Association, holds a master of laws in American law and international legal practice from the Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. He writes on general legal issues for TF and will consider relevant inquiries sent to redazione@theflorentine.net and info@CapecchiLegal.com for upcoming articles. Author of the book 'Legal Advice for Expats in Italy' published by The Florentine Press.

    Articles by the author


    Let’s talk about visas: Part II

    Many foreigners have brilliant business plans and are willing to invest time and money in lucrative ideas in Italy. Some would like to start an import/export business in food, fashion or another of Italy’s signature sectors. Others hope that a self-employment permit is an easier solution


    The IVIE tax

      This spring, I wrote an article about the new property tax owed by the owners of real estate property in Italy, called the Imposta Municipale Unica (IMU; see TF ...


    Getting unhitched

    Statistics show that in Europe-and Italy, in particular-marriages between people of different nationalities are increasing. Accordingly, the number of international separations and divorces is also increasing. As you can imagine, ...


    So you think you can drive

    Some American friends who have now lived in Florence for over two years told me recently that they wanted to rent a car to travel across Italy and Europe during their holidays. Everybody dreams about getting into a nice sports car and driving up and down the Amalfi Coast or


    Pay what you owe

    Now that the sun is finally shining and spring has arrived, how sad and boring (you may think) it is to discuss taxes. But believe me, an incomplete tax declaration could make your summer and fall much drearier! Because if you live and work in Italy, with few exceptions, you


    Legalized: what’s your visa?

    Many foreign friends and clients ask my advice on moving their professional or private lives to Italy. Many had friends whose ‘uncle got all the documents he needed in one month.' What I normally say is ‘good for him.' The fact is, the amount of legal

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