This fall the Angeli del Bello, together with the Stibbert Museum, The Sigh Press, and the Comune di Firenze sponsored three free art-related outdoor events in Stibbert Park entitled, “Dagli Stemmi agli Stami.”
The first event, “Make Your Own Coat of Arms,” was a workshop for children taught by American artist-teacher Lyall Harris, which included craft activities based specifically on the park, the exterior of Villa Stibbert, and the history of Stibbert and his collection. The workshop culminated in the kids making their own personalized coat of arms and motto.
“Participate in the Birth of Music,” the second event in the series, included a guided walk through the park, led by Angeli del Bello volunteer Enrico Buonincontro, during which participants gathered inspiration for short texts; these were then put to music. Improvising singers, Francesco Ronchetti and Julian Spizz, together with guitarist Luigi Gagliardi, created on-the-spot songs, often incorporating the author’s name.
On October 11th, the last event, “Painters and Writers ‘Interpret’ the Park,” was another all-time first here. Italian, expat, and student artists spent an afternoon creating “en plein air” in the park’s poetic setting. At the end of the afternoon, the group gathered for an impromptu “exhibition.”
These events were organized and coordinated by Enrico Buonincontro and Lyall Harris and were a big hit! Look for news of more Stibbert events in the spring or fall of 2015. You can contact Dagli Stemmi agli Stami here: