If you’re looking for some colour to brighten up your February, head for the Van Gogh Alive exhibition at the deconsecrated church of Santo Stefano al Ponte, a stone’s throw from the Ponte Vecchio.
The exhibition, which has travelled the world, is an innovative way of drawing closer to art. Large dimensions, lights and sound lead visitors into the realm of Van Gogh. The Dutch master’s best-known artworks fill our eyes with their colours as they appear, one after another, out of the darkness.
Thanks to the SENSORY4 system, 40 high-definition projectors cast out more than 3,000 images, accompanied by sound, as if in a cinema. The ambience created with Van Gogh’s painting is magical, making for an enjoyable experience that is more fun than merely educational.
Van Gogh Alive
Church of Santo Stefano al Ponte
Open every day until April 12, 2015