Black stories on the bookshelf

Black stories on the bookshelf

Wed 17 Feb 2021 11:13 AM

Italy’s Feltrinelli chain is celebrating Black History Month by dedicating a shelf in every bookstore to Black stories this February.





Selected by experts of Razzismo Brutta Storia, the titles speak of the world of the Black Diaspora on both sides of the ocean and embrace a range of reflections. Razzismo Brutta Storia is an association committed to countering racism and discrimination. Started in 2008 as a campaign in response to the brutal murder of 19-year-old Abdul William Guibre, known as Abba, the result of the joint efforts of Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, La Feltrinelli and the Tita communication agency, Razzismo Brutta Storia became a cultural association in 2011.



Razzismo Brutta Storia now conducts awareness, information and advocacy activities on anti-racism issues through the creation of educational tools, talks in schools, cultural events and publications, and by participating in national and international anti-racist networks.





This article was published in Issue 275 of The Florentine: A Black History Month Florence special.

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