Florence is filled with churches and religious centres to embrace all faiths. Here’s a round-up of English-speaking services.

Agape Protestant United Church. Services at 4pm every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. Worship in English is held according to request. Teatro L’Affratellamento – Circolo ARCI, via G.P. Orsini 73, pastore@firenze.chiesaprotestanteunita.org, T: +39 055 600507 www.chiesaprotestanteunita.org
Florence International Church. International English-speaking church with weekly messages available on the website every Saturday. Online prayer meetings held on Zoom as well as discussion and Bible teaching. Via de’ Benci 9, T: +39 346 8765724, florenceinternationalchurch@gmail.com, www.florenceinternationalchurch.com
International Christian Fellowship of Florence. Sunday services at 8.30am, Thursday evening services 8pm. Services in English. Online while relocating, T: +39 346 8765724 or +39 346 8765729. icfchurchflorence@gmail.com, www.icfflorence.com
Chiesa Evangelica Valdese, Holy Trinity Church. Sundays 10.30am (in Italian), with materials in English, French and German. Via Micheli 26 (corner of via La Marmora). Community centre and pastoral house: via Manzoni 21. chiesavaldese.firenze@gmail.com, T: +39 055 2477800, www.firenzevaldese.chiesavaldese.org
Mosaico Church. Evangelical. Sunday 11am services in English and Italian. Kids class for ages 3-10. Spazio Alfieri, via dell’Ulivo 8, www.mosaicochurch.org
Evangelical Lutheran. Most services held in German. Via de’ Bardi 20, +39 055 2342775, firenze@chiesaluterana.it, www.chiesaluterana-firenze.org
Santi Apostoli (Roman Catholic Church). Mass in English on Sundays at 10.30am; UpperRoom (Mass, Adoration and Fellowship for college students and young professionals @upperroom_florence IG and @upperroomflorence FB) on Tuesdays at 6pm. Piazza del Limbo 1, Florence, kcameron@legionaries.org; T: +39 348 8719565, www.santiapostoli.com. IG @santi_apostoli; FB @catholicsinflorence
St. James Church (Episcopalian). Eucharist every Sunday at 11am, also live streamed via YouTube. Via B. Rucellai 9, T: +39 055 294417, www.stjames.it
St. Mark’s English Church (Anglican). Comunità Anglicana Vetero-Cattolica Bible Study 3-4.15pm February 5 with Eucharist 4.30-5.30pm. 10.30am, February 6: Choral Matins celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Accession of Elizabeth II. 10.30am, February 13: Sung Eucharist. 10.30am, February 20: Choral Eucharist. February 27: Sung Eucharist. 6pm, March 2: Choral Eucharist for Ash Wednesday. Via Maggio 16, T: +39 055 294764; www.stmarksitaly.com, FB: @stmarksitaly, administrator@stmarksitaly.com
Jehovah’s Witnesses. Wednesday 8pm, Sunday 10am. Via Vivaldi 1, Scandicci, with other locations in the city. See website for information on languages and times. www.jw.org.it
Quakers in Florence. Meet every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 11am, in-person where possible, otherwise via Zoom. Contact quakersinflorence@gmail.com for meeting point information, www.quaccheriinitalia.com, FB: @QuakersinFlorence
Shir Hadash. Jewish Reform/Progressive congregation using trilingual prayer books in Hebrew (with transliteration), Italian and English. shirhadash.fi@gmail.com, www.shirhadashfirenze.com
Synagogue. Saturday morning services begin at 9am. Copy of ID requested by Friday noon to segretario@firenzeebraica.it. Other services detailed at www.firenzeebraica.it/tefilloth. Via Farini 4, T: +39 055 245252, FB: @Firenzebraica
Islamic Community of Florence and Tuscany. Borgo Allegri 64-66, info@moscheadifirenze.it, FB: @comunitaislamicafirenze