The International School of Florence encourages active participation from its students and offers unique opportunities to engage in important issues. FloMUN is one such opportunity. FloMUN stands for Florence Model United Nations and is a weekend dedicated to animated collegiate debate around real-world issues in a simulated United Nations setting. FloMUN is the first entry point into international affairs and introduces students to the wide range of peace and security, human rights, development and the rule of law. The International School of Florence welcomed nearly 150 students from all over Italy to the Upper School Campus. The FloMUN team worked for months to create the best possible environment to help inspire young minds and encourage an enriching and rewarding experience for all.
Elena, Grade 10, Chair of the Human Rights Council
Overall, chairing FloMUN was a great experience. I especially enjoyed the second part of the debate on the first day because people were seriously getting into a heated debate!
Michael, Grade 6
I had a great and exciting experience during my first FloMUN. Everyone was friendly and nice, and it made me want to do another Model United Nations. My favorite moment was during the CoEU debate. I was really picking up on everything the delegates were discussing and thinking about the issues they were debating. I even got to use the gavel at the end of the debate and say, “The debate has finished!”
Ezra, Grade 10
Overall, the experience was excellent. While it was definitely a new experience, it gave me the opportunity to research topics and explore the various viewpoints associated with them. It was very enlightening and enthralling once I grew accustomed to the debate procedure.
Neri, Grade 10
My experience at FloMUN has been great. As soon as the debate started, I was able to express my opinions and participate actively in the committee, finding myself in a supportive environment full of interesting people.