Finders keepers: @cash_catch_florence

Finders keepers: @cash_catch_florence

Take part in a real-life treasure hunt organized by an anonymous gift giver.

Thu 28 Mar 2024 10:06 AM

Fancy picking up a bit of cash for free? It sounds like the beginning of a spam email, but it’s the actual concept behind @cash_catch_florence on Instagram, a real-life treasure hunt carried out by who-knows-who, open to anyone to take part. We got in touch with this anonymous gift giver to find out more.

How did Cash Catch Florence come about?

I was scrolling on Instagram and came across this trend that has recently emerged all over the world. When I saw that first video, I realized its potential here, particularly because I was born in Florence. So, I decided to interpret the trend in my own way, creating a slightly more engaging treasure hunt. I told some friends about the idea and we help each other carry it out.

When did it start?

Valentine’s Day seemed like the best idea. I bought some roses and made the first video. As they say, you’re either lucky in love or in gambling…

What’s the goal?

The goal is pretty straightforward. It’s simply to find the “treasure” before someone else does, trying to work out the location based on a clue. Our mission is to entertain and teach something about the city and other parts of Tuscany. In the end, you win some money, or lillero, as they say here. At worst, you learned something.

Who can participate?

Anyone can take part. All you need is a phone and Instagram. We’re also on TikTok as @cashcatchfirenze.

Is the prize always the same?

20 euro are known as silver florins. I’ll tell you a secret: in one of the videos released so far, someone found a special florin… It will come out later what it’s for, so long as they haven’t thrown it away! We’ve also just announced gold florins and shortly we’ll reveal some extra prizes in addition to the money.

How long will this treasure hunt last?

I think the hunt could last long enough. It all depends on how it develops and whether people like it. I like the idea of giving people money, since I have always taken part in “treasure-less” treasure hunts. I want to add in more prizes and create a real sense of competition, upping the difficulty a little. Everything is developing very quickly, but that doesn’t worry us.

How long does it normally take people to find the treasure?

It depends on the area. The fastest was eight minutes and on average it’s around 15 minutes.

What are the rules?

The rules are simple. Clues are given in our Instagram stories and the first to reach the prize wins. Sometimes there’s a game or survey to figure out the area for the next drop.

Will we ever find out who you are?

I’m not sure. It all depends on how things develop!

I see Lorenzo de’ Medici is also part of your team now?

Yes, LdM has joined the team. Let’s just say I want to use him as the frontman for now, but we will also include other famous old friends from Florence. Who knows, hopefully we’ll spread all over Italy!

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