Gabriella Tama

Gabriella Tama is 11 years old and in the sixth grade in the International School of Florence. In Florence since September 2004, she spent the first eight years of her life in New York City, whe-re she attended public school. She loves ballet, which she has studied for eight years, and read-ing and writing.

Articles by the author


Flights of fancy

Fiera, a new children’s book written by Annamaria Sbisa and illustrated by Michela Petoletti, brings to life the beauty and whimsy of Ferragamo’s silk scarves and introduces young readers to Florence.   Six playful creatures are aboard a hot air balloon sailing with no evident destination,


Childs play

When you hear ‘Palazzo Vecchio’ what comes to mind? The Medici? Power? Beauty?  Palazzo Vecchio is the symbol of civil power in Florence, yet it is also a palace full of history, action–filled portrayals of epic battles, secret doors, maps and hidden cabinets. It is


An Interview with Carol Biagiotti

Born in Arizona, Carol Biagiotti arrived in Florence quite by accident.  After graduating from college, she was traveling to Paris by boat and decided to get off in Naples, proceeded to Rome, then arrived in Florence.  Her purse disintegrated in front of Mario Biagiotti’s leather store;