Linda Falcone

    Linda Falcone, an English-speaker and an Italian-thinker, is the author of three books with The Florentine Press, and others with Jane Fortune for the Advancing Women Artists Foundation. She has lived, taught and written in Italy for almost 2 decades.

    Articles by the author


    Winning fashion-art combinations in Florence

    Traces: Let Fashion Drive You is an eclectic show dedicated to travel and all the “packing” it requires, whether for jet-setting soirees, opera evenings or the windblown journey from here ...


    The Florentine’s tribute to Jane Fortune

    Reflections from Linda Falcone, Marco Badiani


    “Invisible” sheds new light on forgotten artists

    “Women artists of the past were rare, but those who worked professionally were both hugely successful and incredibly significant,” says Jane Fortune in a recent interview about Invisible, the new ...



    The Tuscans talk, Bob Hesse believed, the way most people spend money. And whether the speaker is stingy or lavish, they are always clear about how much their words are ...



    The Flintstones are known as “Gli antenati” in Italy. And though half of the Hanna and Barbera duo was of Italian descent, their cartoon dubbers were apparently unaware that “ancestors” ...


    Per Firenze

    To start an article entitled ‘Per Firenze’ by conjuring a chat on a Roman porch is just a step up from heresy in Florence, so true-blue fiorentini may well be ...


    The difference

    There is something about the phrase “I live in Italy” that makes amicable strangers act like you’ve just announced you’ve won the jackpot. After their excitement dies down, the “inevitable” ...


    A horse is a horse

    Francesco is a filmmaker and he and I have a good working relationship, unless you count the fact that he is the parade and I am the rain. A peaceable ...


    Some say love

    I spent February 14 in a banquet hall in Venice’s campo San Samuele, across from a palace whose facade Casanova once climbed to reunite with the neighborhood’s most ravishing Rapunzel. ...


    Rosewater and the Seven Dwarves

    At the age of 22, Italian citizenship in hand, I decided to apply for my very first concorso statale. If you don’t know how to feel about this first sentence, ...


    The word that never was: expat

    My friend Karla’s miniscule flat on via dei Bardi needs crowd control even when no one but she and her husband are standing in it. Still, New Year’s Eve at ...


    Mr. Bojangles

    Giancarlo, the affable man with whom I team teach, recently took off for Japan on what he described as a ‘mother-in-law mission’. ‘Japanese women like Italian men,’ he said to justify the absence. I believe his time off is better justified by the fact


    Mr. Bojangles

      Giancarlo, the affable man with whom I team teach, recently took off for Japan on what he described as a ‘mother-in-law mission’. ‘Japanese women like Italian men,’ he said ...


    Turkey truth

      Jeremy is my American scholar-friend who dresses like an Englishman and happily attends Florentine cultural lectures like the kind I conjure. Then, as a member of the educated audience, ...


    La Luna Storta

    My friend Cornelia has been pining over Pinco Pallino for several years now. Cornelia is a pseudonym and Pinco Pallino is the fictional name for Italy’s run-of-the-mill Joe Shmoe. The fact that she didn’t react to me calling him that means she’


    AWA has been ‘Wikied’

    The Advancing Women Artists Foundation now has its own Wikipedia page.   Have a look at:   This new online reference page is one of the outcomes of a daylong ‘Edit-a-thon’ aimed at increasing the number of entries spotlighting women


    Farewell, dear friend

    Bob Nordvall, who, among other pursuits, wrote for The Florentine,passed away on January 2 in Pistoia, Italy. Especially appreciated for their caustic wit, Bob’s articles and conversations always featured a unique mix of insiders’ advice and expat perspective. Readers of his much-awaited newsletter ‘This


    A dog’s day

    Italian men are dogs and Italian women are cats. The statement feels so very bold that I almost fear to write it. Firstly, because one's childhood habit of comparing people to barnyard critters and jungle animals may best be left to the private sphere. And then there's the


    Timing and beans

    Autumn is upon us. Hurried and harried, Florence's entire population is coming to terms with all that has been waiting in the wings since summertime. Deadlines are harvested far faster than pumpkins, and bosses and colleagues heartily welcome fall storms by generating them.   Perhaps your stomach is steelier


    A second moment

    Catherine sold her house in Leicester, intent on moving to Florence and financing her long-time professional dream: event planning in Tuscany. Villas, castles and monastic courtyards that house no clergy make great backdrops for high-end cultural events, she thought. And fino a qui, I fully agree. Yet, beyond


    Tortoise versus hare

      Aesop, a slave who earned his freedom through storytelling, became a worthy diplomat for kings, which ultimately got him thrown off a cliff in Delphi for having insulted the ...


    How to be… Un fiorentino DOC

    Luca, a Florentine native, has not crossed the threshold of the Uffizi since his fourth-grade class stomped through its venerable halls, thinking of nothing but the pane e nutella their anxious mothers had prepared for their four o'clock snack on the Duomo steps. And yes, his last view


    Love and Roman cats

    The freccia argento to Rome is a quick but expensive rail line that's worth its weight in silver, where the borrowed English bloke on the loudspeaker invites passengers to visit the dining car by announcing ‘Travelling stimulates your appetite.'     Whether or not that claim is true,


    Merchant ears and movies

    Every year, right around Daylight Saving Time, my friend Paola leaves a lover-and it's usually the same one. I sit on the sidelines and watch it happen, undecided as to whether practice has made this annual ritual easier or more excruciating.     As background noise to our &

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