Neda Motamedi-Shad

Neda Motamedi-Shad has enjoyed living between cultures since her family moved from Teheran to Vienna in 1980. She fell for Florence 10 years ago during a study abroad semester and after other adventures in Vienna, Hamburg, Boston, Barce-lona and Shanghai, returned to the University of Florence in 2007 to work towards earning a PhD in Biochemistry.

Articles by the author



Next time you take a stroll through the city center, walk by the Duomo between via del Proconsolo and via dei Servi and look up to the cathedral's façade, right where the street softly curves around it. Set between stripes of green and white marble you will


Take it to the mat

As much as you love the Italian way of life, every now and then you might find yourself craving the alluring aroma of a Thai curry and the lifestyle of a bigger, more cosmopolitan town than Florence can possibly offer. But when it comes to yoga centres, you need look


The escape of an unloved French man

On the side where Palazzo Vecchio faces via della Ninna, a small wooden door set into the massive square stones of the palazzo leads over a once secret stairway two floors up and back in time to when the Duke of Athens, Gualtieri di Brienne, ruled over Florence in 1343.