Sarah Beck

Sarah Beck has lived in Italy for the past five years, following her degree in French and Italian from Great Britain. For three of those years she worked in an American school in Florence, dispensing advice on how to survive, enjoy and maximise the study abroad experience.

Articles by the author


Pickpocket Prevention

Florence is a relatively safe place, but as in every big city, petty crime such as pick pocketing and bag snatching is quite common, even though statistics show that reported incidents of pick pocketing in Italy have decreased by 11.4% over the last 8 years and bag snatching has


Think safe, be smart: Saftey tips while studying abroad

September hails the start of a new school year, and in this city it is not just the Italians who go back to school, but all the foreign students as well. As a matter of fact, Florence is the biggest American study abroad centre in the world and that’