Sexual medicine and gynecology. Anna Ghizzani, MD

Sexual medicine and gynecology. Anna Ghizzani, MD

Dr Ghizzani is a sexual therapist who trained at Cornell-New York Hospital after completing her Italian training as a gynecologist. In her practice of gynecology and sexual medicine she treats sexual dysfunction in women, men and couples. She specializes in sexual pain of various causes, menopausal well-being and sexuality. Her sexual behavioural therapy may include a pharmacological regimen as needed.

Dr. Ghizzani is available at her office in Piazza del Mercato Nuovo 1, Florence, as well as on line.


Healyhy Aging: Well-Being and Sexuality at Menopause and Beyond

Menopause is a time of challenge for every woman. This book discusses the physical, emotional, psychosocial, and sexual aspects of menopause as well as other age-related conditions, possible treatments and how to deal with them, with an eye on male sexuality.


Sexual pain: a thorny embrace – How illness, pain, and cancer treatment alter sexuality

Pain impacts physical well-being and emotions of patient and partner. The book covers organic, genital and pelvic pathologies; penetration pain due to vulvo vaginal atrophy, vulvovestibular syndrome, and vaginismus; in addition, it addresses the sexual difficulties of oncology patients, both male and female, who must endure the side effects of medications in addition to the damage of surgery.