A painter’s Florentine Garden: Lola Costa and Il Palmerino

A painter’s Florentine Garden: Lola Costa and Il Palmerino


Wednesday Lecture at The British Institute of Florence

22 January at 18:00

Federica Parretti, the current custodian of Il Palmerino, will share insights into the life and art of her grandmother, Lola Costa, in conversation with Linda Falcone. Lola purchased Il Palmerino (a beautiful villa and garden between Florence and Fiesole) in 1935, transforming it into her painting studio and preserving its legacy as a hub for cultural exchange.

In person at the British Institute Library and online, via Zoom. Please be aware that recording of this lecture will be available for registered parrticipants only.

This lecture is sponsored by Calliope Arts and forms part of a larger 3-year programme: “A Florentine Garden: Early Women Expats and Artists of Today”, organised by Calliope Arts and Il Palmerino Cultural Association, in collaboration with the British Institute of Florence.