Love, Marriage….. and Serenity, too?

Love, Marriage….. and Serenity, too?

The results of a recent survey revealed that having a family is at the top of young Tuscans’ wish list. The survey was conducted on students between the ages of 13 and 19. Out of 10,000 subjects questioned, 21% claimed creating their own family was the most important

Thu 15 Dec 2005 1:00 AM

The results of a recent survey revealed that having a family is at the top of young Tuscans’ wish list. The survey was conducted on students between the ages of 13 and 19. Out of 10,000 subjects questioned, 21% claimed creating their own family was the most important goal for the future, while 17.7% most desired serenity, and 12.9% were looking to fall in love with the right person.

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