
Find out the latest news from Florence, Italy, with a particular focus on all the cultural ongoings in the Renaissance capital. We take you through art, food and wine, latest openings, changes to the city’s contemporary landscape, and updates on Covid-19 as well as everything else you need to know.


Free bus + tram travel in Tuscany with Visa

Plus, a chance to win Super Bowl LIX tickets for two in New Orleans.


Interview with Francesco Astore, artistic director of the Firenze Jazz Festival

Detailing the festival's importance in Florence's cultural scene.


Street art returns to shutters along via Palazzuolo

15 artists paint the street fronts of 15 local businesses.


Restoration begins on the tunnel beneath the Arno

Work continues on the construction of a new hydroelectric power plant beneath piazza Poggi.


Police to patrol trams in Florence

Minimarkets selling alcohol forced to close at 9pm in certain areas.


Re-focus on Florence: Editor’s letter

It's time to re-focus on Florence as September gets underway and the new administration grapples with pressing issues such as overtourism.


News from Florence

A bylaw against short-term rentals, a new health helpline, seats at the station and more


Democrats Abroad Voter Assistance events in Florence

Assisting U.S. citizens in Florence to register, obtain ballots and get them back to the U.S. in time to be counted.

Last updated

Keep up-to-date with the latest from Florence, with news on latest openings, recent renovations, interesting new additions to the city, and all the info you need to know about life in the city.

Whether it’s how to deal with the heat, why you need to update your driving license, or the lowdown on the latest big event, our news section will have it, keeping you on top of current issues with a particular focus on the cultural scene. Come here to check out information on updated opening hours at museums, a run-down on Florence’s response to crises, what’s new in the art world, celeb spottings in the city, who’s doing what to further the LGBTQIA+ cause, and tips and tricks on how to make the most of life in Florence.

What’s going on in the community is covered with articles looking at creative new coworking spaces, how tourism is going, what rules are in place in response to COVID 19, and relevant topics like humanitarian efforts in Florence and guides to enjoying each season as it comes.

Curated to keep up with what’s going on right now, our news section makes sure relevant topics are easily findable, with subjects like sustainability and business given space and plenty on Tuscany too if you’re looking for news a little further from Florence.

Stay in touch with the latest in local living with plenty on the newest food-world happenings and wine news, keeping you in the know about all the latest ongoings.

News features:

  • Florence news
  • Art news
  • Food news
  • Event news
  • Community news
  • Life in Italy
  • Covid-19
  • Sustainability
  • Green economy
  • Business in Florence
  • Invest in Tuscany
  • Tuscany news