Weather sentinels in Chianti

Weather sentinels in Chianti

Sentinel-citizens of the weather: the idea was born in Chianti where the first network of volunteers was founded, and is dedicated to the timely reporting of meteorological information. During meteorological events the volunteers will submit specific information on their location about rain, hail and snowfall, with the option of

Thu 04 Dec 2014 1:00 AM

Sentinel-citizens of the weather: the idea was born in Chianti where the first network of volunteers was founded, and is dedicated to the timely reporting of meteorological information. During meteorological events the volunteers will submit specific information on their location about rain, hail and snowfall, with the option of adding photos too. The project was designed by the Osservatorio Polifunzionale of Chianti, in collaboration with LaMMA, CNR/BIMET of Florence (two meteorological companies) and the cultural heritage group of Unione Comunale del Chianti Fiorentino.


The project

The project was made possible thanks to the participation of a volunteer group of citizens who, with a smartphone or laptop, will provide real-time information on weather occurrences and anomalies through a specifically designed app. The information will then be collected by experts at the central office of the Osservatorio Polifunzionale, who are in charge of analyzing meteorological activities in Chianti.


The mayors of Tavarnelle Val di Pesa and Barberino Val d’Elsa have expressed that this idea is a great opportunity to qualify volunteers as experts in the collection of information through specific mediums. Each person will have the duty of signaling weather events in their areas. Anyone can participate in the project that will be kicking of on Sunday the 18, and offer this useful service to the territory. ‘Sentinels’ will be delivered a kit that they will then use in order to send information.

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