Contemporary colors

Contemporary colors

Throughout the month of November, the showrooms of the Galleria 360 are getting a contemporary twist. Until December 2, visually striking pieces will line the venue for the exhibition Colori dell'anima.   Colori dell’anima features evocative works by several international artists, all of whom rely primarily on

Thu 06 Nov 2014 1:00 AM

Throughout the month of November, the showrooms of the Galleria 360 are getting a contemporary twist. Until December 2, visually striking pieces will line the venue for the exhibition Colori dell’anima.


Colori dell’anima features evocative works by several international artists, all of whom rely primarily on color to express diverse emotions and artistic points of view. Seen through a variety of media, the central theme of the exhibition is the use of color as an emotive language. Colori dell’anima takes place at the Galleria 360 on via il Prato, 11R. Opening times are from Tuesdays to Saturdays, 10am to 7pm, and on Sundays from 3pm to 7pm.










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