Florence fragile/Florence strong

Florence fragile/Florence strong

The violent hailstorm on September 19 and its estimated 2.5 million euro damage to the city’s museums brings to mind another Florentine calamity: the 1966 flood.   In this issue, we proudly present The Florentine Press’s latest book by Jane Fortune and Linda Falcone, When

Thu 02 Oct 2014 12:00 AM

The violent hailstorm on September 19 and its estimated 2.5 million euro damage to the city’s museums brings to mind another Florentine calamity: the 1966 flood.


In this issue, we proudly present The Florentine Press’s latest book by Jane Fortune and Linda Falcone, When the World Answered: Florence, Women Artists and the 1966 Flood, which pays tribute to the ‘Flood Ladies,’ a group of female artists who responded generously when Florence needed them most, gifting their art to the city after Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti issued a call for help.


Turbulent times and events, past and present, remind us that Florence is fragile. But she emerges ever stronger when put to the toughest of tests, today like yesterday.


This Florentine fall is set to be a culturally vibrant season, with a wealth of special events organized by The Florentine. On October 15, at 6:30pm, Dr. Victor Coonin, author of The Florentine Press’s From Marble to Flesh, will talk at Florence’s Museo di Antropologia about the sexuality of Michelangelo’s David. Reserve your spot now at sexydavid.eventbrite.it


On October 22, at 6:30pm, join TF’s culture editor, Dr. Jane Fortune, and Linda Falcone as they present The Florentine Press’s latest book, When the World Answered: Florence, Women Artists and the 1966 Flood at the historic Accademia delle Arti del Disegno. Reserve your spot now at floodladies-talk.eventbrite.it


Also, don’t miss out on Alexandra Lawrence’s fabulous Walks+Visits as we visit spots affected by the 1966 flood following the city’s famous wall markers as well as Florence’s newest museum, the Museo del Novecento.


As a release from an overload of high culture, we offer extra fun and laughter with a video on how to spell out loud in Italian, at theflr.net/SpellingInItalian, sponsored by language school Centro di Cultura e Formazione di Firenze, in piazza Santo Spirito.



Next paper issue: November 6.

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