More police in Florence for the summer

More police in Florence for the summer

Officers to be concentrated in SMN station, San Lorenzo, piazza Duomo and Ponte Vecchio

Fri 01 Jun 2018 7:30 AM

From July to Christmas, Florence city centre will be patrolled by 16 more police officers to help manage the mass influx of tourists. This measure is part of the project “Insieme per Firenze 2018” and is partially financed, to the sum of 125,000 euro, by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio.

The officers’ ambit will include Santa Maria Novella station, San Lorenzo, piazza Duomo and the Ponte Vecchio, areas characterized by a high number of tourists and commercial activity.

Director general of Fondazione CR Firenze Gabriele Gori commented that this part of the city is “a symbol of Florence that is known across the world and its respectability must be defended and safeguarded, not only for the benefit of tourists but also for us Florentines. We must all work together to ensure the protection and upkeep of the city’s artistic and cultural heritage.”

The officers will work in pairs across the historic centre, occupying specialist roles as well as standard police duties.

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