150 issues of The Florentine

150 issues of The Florentine

150 years of a united Italy. Not only did we think that this ‘numeric coincidence' would make a clever front page, but we also liked the idea of putting side-by-side the history of The Florentine and that of Italy. This is not presumptuousness on our part: our

Thu 13 Oct 2011 12:00 AM

150 years of a united Italy. Not only did we think that this ‘numeric coincidence’ would make a clever front page, but we also liked the idea of putting side-by-side the history of The Florentine and that of Italy. This is not presumptuousness on our part: our intent is to send an important message in the midst of the tough historical impasse the country currently faces. The Italian Republic was born in 1861, the result of hope and courage amidst battles and struggles, blood and tears-the same kind of hope and courage that the nation needs to survive the economic and institutional crisis that today grips the very heart and soul of this country.


As The Florentine is celebrates 150 issues, we think back on the difficulties with which many of those issues went to press. Now, with this 150th issue, The Florentine celebrates its loyal readership, hard-earned credibility and important role in fostering a sense of community among expats in Florence and beyond by being their voice, their forum and their platform. Despite the highs and lows, the successes and failures, we have remained dedicated to both serving our community and making the best magazine possible. 


In thinking 150×150, we are mindful of John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s famous imperative in his inaugural address to the citizens of the United States: ‘Ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country.’ Considering the growing lack of trust in politics and civil society in Italy, perhaps it’s time to take a risk and tough it out, much like The Florentine did when it was young(er) and (more) foolish. And all that hard work was worth it: The Florentine’s value as a resource for the English-speaking community in Florence has grown with each of the 150 issues-and we are dedicated to continuing to improve. ‘Stay hungry, stay foolish,’ the farewell message of the 1974 Whole Earth Catalogue, were words that the late Steve jobs took to heart and imparted to others. And you can’t argue with that, can you? 



For 150×150, we would like to celebrate…with you! Since TF is a community, we’re going where the conversation is: on our Facebook fan page. From among the next 150+150 fans who ‘like’ us on Facebook, we will make a random draw, and two lucky TF readers will win a copy of Linda Falcone’s latest book, Moving Days.



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