Launching the Italian translation of his latest work, The Shards (Le Schegge in Italian), the well-known American author Bret Easton Ellis takes part in a literary evening organized by La Città dei Lettori, held at Teatro della Pergola at 9pm on October 18. The author will be in discussion with Marcello Fois (translated by Simona Caldera) about the novel, just released in Italian by Einaudi, in an event in collaboration with the Teatro della Toscana Foundation.
The author of American Psycho, Less Than Zero and The Rules of Attraction published his first novel in 13 years in January this year, with the event in Florence marking the arrival of the Italian translation by Giuseppe Culicchia.

The Shards is an at-times terrifying tale that delivers equal doses of personal and emotional pulls as it does dark and violent chills. Set in Los Angeles in 1981, the book blends autobiography and fiction as the main character, Bret, reveals the story that has haunted him his whole life, writing it from his current perspective as a 50-something year old. First released as part of his podcast, Bret Easton Ellis’ latest work looks at a group of 17-year-olds attending the elite Buckley School, whose lives are turned upside down by the arrival of the charming and perverse Robert Mallory. His connection to a serial killer raging through the city is ambiguously explored, with the lead character, Bret, developing an obsession with the secrets surrounding him.

Following on from the event of Teatro della Pergola, a series of literary events will be held in the Brac bookshop (via dei Vagellai 18) on October 19 as part of La Città dei Lettori, a project curated by Fondazione CR Firenze and the Wimbledon APS Association, with Alessia Piperno, Luca Scarlini, Vera Gheno, Gabriella Kuruvilla, Luca Starita, and Jacopo Storni.
To take part in the free-entry book presentation in Teatro della Pergola at 9pm on October 18, register via Eventbrite. A donation is requested towards the Busajo NGO – ETS. The book will be for sale (in Italian).