For the 23rd year running, Indian cinematography comes to Florence through the River to River Indian Film Festival. Curated by Selvaggia Vela, the lineup of 30-plus screenings, including feature films, documentaries and shorts, will take place at Cinema La Compagnia between December 7 and 12.
Following tradition, visitors will be spoilt for choice among the best recent Indian cinematography. The festival began in 2001 as the first of its kind outside India and remains the only event in Italy focused on the sub-continent’s film scene. Spanning a wide range of themes and genres, the films will be screened from morning to evening during the festival’s running. Many actors and directors will be in attendance, including Suraj Sharma and Adil Hussain, who recently starred in the award-winning Life of Pi.
Cultural side events and talks will accompany the films. December 7 will see the inauguration of photography exhibition My India/Megalopoli from Rocco Rorandelli in the Tuscan Regional Council’s gallery space (via de’ Pucci 16) and on December 8, cinema goers will be treated to a cooking show with chef Basheerkutty Mansoor of Nura, in addition to an Indian cooking lesson on December 12, plus Brac on via dei Vagellai is curating a book corner dedicated to Indian culture.
The full calendar of films and events is available online, in addition to further information on how to attend the cultural events. Tickets for the entire or specific parts of the festival are also available through their website or at the Cinema La Compagnia ticket office.