Elena, the protagonist of this novel by Fabrizio Guarducci, is motivated by a recurring nightmare to begin a journey that will lead her to learn about her existence in a past, perfect democracy that has been forgotten by history. The novel also explores the meaning of love; not that courteous ritual tending more to desire than to sentiment that is so common today, but a daily path towards completion to be carried out alongside a loved one.
In a dizzying ride that’s filled with suspense, the journey starts from Siena and moves towards Paris. Guarducci gives us a surprising love story that’s as captivating as a thriller, finding its resolution in an unexpected final twist. A novel that is also a fable about the search for true feeling and spirituality that, through love, brings feelings into a final, complete and humanistic concept.
About the author
Fabrizio Guarducci was trained in the social and human concepts of Giorgio La Pira. After having taken part in the Underground movement at the end of the 1960s in the United States and having encountered Guy Debord in France, he became a convinced member od Situationism. He founded the Department of Cultural Anthropology at the International Institute Lorenzo de’ Medici in Florence. He has taught Mysticism, Aesthetics and Thanalogy, dedicating himself to the research of languages as tools to improve individual interiority and positively transform the reality around us.
Publisher: Lorenzo de’ Medici Press, Florence.