Adopt a monument

Adopt a monument

As Italy marks 150 years of unity, the nation faces an enormous backlog of work to restore and preserve countless monuments, symbols of Italy's vast historic, cultural and artistic heritage.     Looking for ways to preserve these historic monuments, the regional boards of the ministry of cultural heritage

Thu 13 Jan 2011 1:00 AM

As Italy marks 150 years of unity, the nation faces an
enormous backlog of work to restore and preserve countless monuments, symbols
of Italy’s vast historic, cultural and artistic heritage.



Looking for ways to preserve these historic monuments,
the regional boards of the ministry of cultural heritage and environmental
conservation of Pisa, Livorno, Florence, Prato and Pistoia joined with the Prefecture of Tuscany, the Region of Tuscany, Province of Florence and to create an initiative offering
the honor of restoration to individuals, institutions, businesses and


Prospective donors can find monuments in need of
restoration, complete with photos and estimated costs at
(in Italian). Those who decide to adopt must agree to fully finance the work,
while the superintendence will be responsible for overseeing the restoration
and establishing a legal agreement for the donors, restorers and public bodies
that own the monuments. On each monument, a plaque will recognize the donors,
and a blog will record the effort.


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