Our events listing keeps you up to date on the latest and greatest in culture, music and other English-friendly entertainment. This is a selection of the best events in Florence and Tuscany during October.
SNACK/STREEAT–Food Truck FestOctober 2–4Piazzale Cascine and piazza JF Kennedy, Cascine Park, Florence
Prepare your palate for some of Italy’s yummiest street eats! After packing the park’s piazzas to the brim back in April, the STREEAT Food Truck Festival returns for an autumn edition. Craving fish and chips? Battling a sweet tooth since birth? Whatever your weakness, STREEAT is sure to have something to suit your tastes. Sip craft beers, listen to music and snack on suppli, spring rolls and other tempting treats from Italy and beyond. Admission is free. For more information, see www.streeatfoodtruckfestival.com.
NEAR FLORENCE/Arts & CraftsOctober 22–25Cattedrale, via Sandro Pertini, Pistoia
Pistoia is the place to be this month as a major artisan showcase takes over one of the town’s coolest industrial venues: the Cattedrale, a spot where trains and the first Italian radars were once built, now a gigantic and gorgeous ‘covered piazza’. One part showroom, one part marketplace and one hundred percent focused on the future of high-quality design, Arts & Crafts will feature over 80 companies and individuals from varied sectors: furniture, fashion, interior design, jewelry, applied arts and more. Entry is free. For program details, see www.artsandcraftstoscana.it.
ph. Dan Marino
PHOTO/InstameetOctober 3, Piazza Santa Maria Novella
Two events this month bring photographers together for conversation, community building and constructive criticism. At 3pm on October 3, 2015, Florence’s Instagram fiends will gather in ‘real time’ to take snapshots, tell stories and make new friends. It’s a grassroots effort on occasion of the twelfth Worldwide Instameet, designed to get back to the social network’s roots in storytelling and community. Participants meet in piazza Santa Maria Novella and will be sent to the four corners of the city to meet people and photograph them. The event’s hashtags to follow are #WWIM12 and #todayimet #igersfirenze. TF’s Alexandra Korey is one of the organizers and group leaders who looks forward to meeting and welcoming you at the event.
PHOTO/Street-FolioOctober 10, ZAP, vicolo Santa Maria Maggiore 1, Florence
Street photographers of all stripes can take part in an unprecedented conference: a portfolio reading with the Italian street photography collective Spontanea and guest of honour Richard Bram. Seasoned pros will provide feedback to artists who are just starting out, as well as to those who’ve already cultivated their street photography style. The portfolio reading is in collaboration with Street Photography Italia and The Florentine. To submit your portfolio for the reading, write to info@spontanea.org – the cost is €10.
Two free street-photography walks will also be held on this occasion, to sign up go to this facebook event.
FLOOD/When the World AnsweredOctober 20, 6.30pmOdeon Cinehall, piazza Strozzi, Florence
Come one, come all to the world premiere of the documentary When the World Answered, based on the book by Jane Fortune and Linda Falcone, published by The Florentine Press. Fortune’s and Falcone’s debut documentary Invisible Women earned an Emmy for its in-depth look at forgotten women artists of the Renaissance. When the World Answered fasts forward to Florence’s 1966 flood, which destroyed over 14 ,000 treasured artworks. After the disaster, Florence called on artists all over the world to donate their works, and the overwhelming response proved that love for the Renaissance city runs deep. Tickets are 8 euro at the door; pre-sale price is 10 euro and guarantees direct access to the theatre and a seat. Proceeds from the evening will go toward restorations by the Advancing Women Artists Foundation. Book your place now at www.boxol.it/odeon-firenze/EN.
DIGITAL/Internet FestivalOctober 8–11Various venues in Pisa
Tech is the talk of Tuscany as the annual Internet Festival returns to Pisa this month. ‘Geography and Exploration of the Net’ is this year’s theme, tackling a series of topics like Big Data, Italian startups and the digital world in developing countries. International guests include sociologist Nathan Jurgensen, a researcher at Snapchat; Nikhil Pahwa, founder of news portal MediaNama; and digital humanities leader Jasper Visser, who manages The Museum of the Future, a website focused on preserving culture in times of technological change. In addition to the many talks and workshops taking place, Pisa’s Stazione Leopolda will host cooking shows, hacking sessions, DJ sets and more digital madness. View the full program at www.internetfestival.it.
NEIGHBORHOOD/Bellissima via MaggioUntil October 4Via Maggio and surrounding streets, Florence
Via Maggio is more vibrant than ever as Florence’s Antiques Biennial continues. In celebration of this major international event, shops, galleries and restaurants are keeping their doors open for a full calendar of community events. Some of the week’s highlights are free guided visits at Casa Guidi (October 2); a Caravaggio-inspired production at the Basilica of Santo Spirito (October 2, 8.30, 9.30 & 10.30pm); and special openings of the street’s art galleries on October 4, including the buzzed-about Alfredo Pirri exhibition at Eduardo Secci Contemporary. Hungry? Take a time-out at Gelateria Santa Trinita, where they’ve created a custom flavor for the occasion. Check out the Facebook page ‘Associazione Via Maggio’ or contact ass.viamaggio@gmail.com for full program details.
FILM/A Month at the MoviesThroughout OctoberOdeon Cinehall, Spazio Alfieri, various venues in Florence
Movie buffs have a full month ahead in the leadup to the October 29 opening of 50 Days of International Cinema, the renowned film rassegna. At Spazio Alfieri from October 4–6, Stanford and NYU host Italian Identities as Told Through Cinema, an in-depth look at 20th century Italian culture. On October 8, the Odeon hosts the Florence Short Film Festival, a platform for discovering young indie moviemakers. Finally, Palazzo Strozzi relaunches its Tuesday at the Movies series this month: this round features four global film giants who’ve dealt with themes relevant to the Divine Beauty exhibition. Screenings are free and include Martin Scorsese’s Last Temptation of Christ on October 20 at 9pm. For more on this fall’s movies, see www.florenceshortfilmfestival.com, www.palazzostrozzi.org and www.50giornidicinema.it.
ph. Nene Photography
INK/Florence Tattoo ConventionOctober 9–11Fortezza da Basso, viale Strozzi, Florence
Ink it up at the Fortezza when the full-bodied eighth edition of the Florence Tattoo Convention comes to town! Tattoo artists from New Zealand, South Korea, Italy and beyond will show off their skills. Stars of the Spike reality show Ink Master are some of this year’s special guests. This is an artistic convention, so don’t expect your average parlor tricks: the global guest list includes Japanese artists who will demonstrate their mastery of Irezumi, ‘hand poke’ pioneers from Papua New Guinea, and more. Tatuaggio not your cup of tea? Performance art, burlesque shows and photography exhibitions are all on the agenda, too. For a detailed program, see www.florencetattooconvention.com.
#DANTE750/A Journey to Dante: The Clinic of the Soul October 7, 5pm Palagio dell’Arte della Lana, via Arte della Lana 1, Florence The end of the year is nearing, but Dante’s 750th ‘birthday’ celebrations are still going strong! The Società Dantesca Italiana hosted its first-ever lecture in English on Inferno back in May. Now, by popular demand, the Dante devotees will host part two, this time tackling Purgatory, that oft-overlooked but critical component of the Divine Comedy. The speaker is Riccardo Bruscagli, former Dean of Humanities at the University of Florence, but the lecture won’t be lofty: it’s designed to be accessible and enjoyable, even for medieval poetry principianti. The Clinic of the Soul is the eye-catching title, and the venue is normally closed to the public. See www.dantesca.it for more information.
SWEET/Gelato FestivalOctober 1–4Piazzale Michelangelo, FlorenceThe Gelato Festival is back in full force–just before the temperatures take a turn! Indulge at the traveling sweet showcase: its stop in Florence marks its European finale for 2015. The autumn edition includes chances to try some unconventional choices: think sausage sorbet, lemon and basil and crunchy coffee caramel mascarpone (that’s a mouthful in more ways than one). For a detailed program, see www.gelatofestival.it.
DIY/Florence Creativity October 29–November 1 Fortezza da Basso, viale Strozzi, Florence Time to use your imagination! Get your creative juices flowing at the Fortezza (just in time for Halloween crafting, too.) Whether you’re an experienced artisan or are still mastering the fine art of finger painting, Florence Creativity’s four days of DIY fun fit with a range of ages and artistic levels. Stock up on a smorgasbord of art materials from the exhibitor booths: fabrics and textiles, paints, brushes, buttons and a slew of other supplies will be for sale. Throughout the festival and marketplace, courses and workshops will be offered, teaching new techniques and offering artistic inspiration for the months ahead (several Christmas-related crafting sessions will take place). For more information, visit www.florencecreativity.it.
DANCE/UMANO October 14–31 Teatro della Pergola, Cango & various Oltrarno venues It’s all about body language this month at Teatro della Pergola, at Cango and throughout the Oltrarno. UMANO_Cantieri internazionali sui linguaggi del corpo e della danza is a multidisciplinary dance manifestation. The festival will feature several internationally renowned choreographers, including Emanuel Gat from Israel, whose rendition of Plage Romantique will be performed on October 25. Head of Cango and renowned choreographer Virgilio Sieni will present his debut production of Angelus Novus on October 27. For program details and ticket information, visit www.teatrodellapergola.com and www.cango.fi.it.
MUSIC/Dave Matthews BandOctober 18, 8pmNelson Mandela Forum, Florence
Under the Table and Dreaming was the soundtrack to many a college party back in 1994. Sure, DMB has seen its heyday, but quad-sprawling co-eds of the ‘90s and early aughts will still head to the Mandela Forum in droves to see Matthews and company! Hailing from Charlottesville, Virginia, DMB developed their early following through their heavily instrumental fusion sound, which later gave way to Top 40 tunes like ‘Crash Into Me’ and ‘The Space Between.’ Concertgoers can expect lengthy, improvised variations on DMB’s hits, a trademark of their shows. As we went to press with this issue, tickets were available via www.dalessandroegalli.com.
NOSTALGIA/American Road TripsOctober 2–22Leica Store Firenze, vicolo dell’Oro 12/14r, Florence
This month, Leica Store Firenze hosts American Road Trips, a show that recalls the spirit of Jack Kerouac and the Beat Generation. Though Martin Benjamin’s portraits of middle America were taken years later, the stories stem from the same time-honored type of ‘great American road trip.’ Benjamin’s images won an international competition judged by Ansel Adams, edging out 14,000 other participants. Be moved by this set of striking sepia-toned photographs, which expertly highlight the subjects’ humanity. Visit www.facebook.com/LeicaStoreFirenze for more information.
TOSCANA900/ From Rosai to Burri: Unusual Displays from the Florentine CollectionsOctober 3–January 10, 2016Villa Bardini, Costa San Giorgio 2, Florence
Venture up to Villa Bardini this month to see an unexpected series of twentieth century treasures. From Rosai to Burri highlights works from Florentine collections normally not accessible to the public. Among these are pieces by scuola metafisica master Giorgio de Chirico, photographer Franco Fontana, Futurist Gino Severini, magical realist Antonio Donghi and more. The exhibition, divided into two sections, focuses first on the hidden jewels of five major Florentine collections, before taking an in-depth look at private collecting patterns, illustrating the diversity of that portion of Florentine artistic patrimony that’s hidden outside museum walls. For more information, visit www.bardinipeyron.it.
DUOMO/New Opera del Duomo museum openingOctober 29Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, piazza del Duomo, Florence
Florence’s final countdown has begun: just in time for Pope Francis’s November visit, the scaffolding is coming down at the Baptistery for a big reveal on October 25, and the new Opera del Duomo Museum will open to the public on October 29 after extensive revamping and expansion. The museum has almost doubled in size, adding new exhibits like a reconstruction of piazza Duomo during Dante’s time, and modifying its display methods for medieval and Renaissance masterpieces from Donatello, Michelangelo, Lorenzo Ghiberti and more. Don’t miss this historic occasion.
SOUNDS+SIGHTS/SonicSomaticOctober 8–10Palazzo Strozzi, the Arcetri Observatory, the English Cemetery & the Museo Marino Marini
A two-part showcase of contemporary visual arts and sounds, SonicSomatic is a free and funky festival featuring collective listening sessions, site-specific installations and multimedia performances. SonicSomatic starts with a bang when Alessandria di Nardo performs Erik Satie’s Vexations, known as the world’s longest musical composition. Since John Cage’s rendition of it back in 1963, the piece has been played only 25 times in public. The performance, slated to last twelve hours, will take place in the Palazzo Strozzi courtyard beginning at 11am on October 8. This marks the first time that Satie’s magnum opus has been performed in Florence. Other events include a sound-themed walk through the English cemetery (October 10, 11.30am) and a ‘Recorded Audio Festival’ (October 9, 9pm) with drinks provided by Andersen Cafe, Borgo Santa Croce’s brand-new addition. For further information and reservations, write to sonicsomatic@gmail.com.