In the Pink!
February 12, 7pm
Uva Nera, borgo Ognissanti 25r, Florence
Think pink! Come learn about Monte Amiata wine producer Castello di Potentino at chic and cozy enoteca Uva Nera, the perfect fit for a February night. The Florentine‘s wine writer Emily O’Hare and Castello di Potentino’s director Alexander Greene will present two rosé wines produced by the highly acclaimed estate in the mysterious Monte Amiata area of Tuscany. Admission is 13 euro and includes two tastings of Pinot Nero Lyncurio 2014 and Rosato Jaspidem 2012, served with a generous buffet hand-selected by Uva Nera. For more information, write to or see the Facebook event.
Chocolate Fever
February 12–21
Piazza Santa Maria Novella, Florence
Chocoholics can look forward to ten days of tasting fun in piazza Santa Maria Novella when the annual Fiera del Cioccolato
Chianti Lovers
February 14, 4–10pm
Ex Manifattura Tabacchi, via Cascine 35, Florence
Whether or not you have a Valentine, fill your February 14 with wining and dining! On the heels of Buy Wine at the Fortezza da Basso (February 12–13, open to trade professionals only), the Chianti Lovers Anteprima 2016 comes to Florence, bringing over 100 wine producers to town. Now in its fifth edition, the tasting event is a must for any fans of fine Tuscan wine, from casual sippers to budding sommeliers. Tickets are 15 euro. For more information visit the Consorzio Vino Chianti’s website.
Dream with TED
February 16, 8pm
Odeon Cinehall, piazza Strozzi, Florence
TED Talks (Technology, Entertainment, Design) first took the world by storm in 2006, when the Silicon Valley-born conferences were first offered for free viewing online. The focus of these varied 18-minute lectures has broadened over time, with hot-button cultural and academic topics now at the forefront. For the first time ever, TED is hosting a Dream conference in Vancouver, and its opening festivities will be broadcast live (in English) in cinemas across the world. The conference promises to ‘stare hard at humanity’s toughest challenges, [listening] to our greatest thinkers, artists and storytellers.’ Take part in the global event at the historic Odeon theatre.
Commemorative Calcio!
February 17, from 2pm
Piazza Santa Croce, Florence

ph. by Simone Stanislai
Get your calcio storico fiorentino fix with an exciting commemorative match. The Bianchi of Santo Spirito will face off against the Verdi of San Giovanni, hearkening back to a 1530 match when the Florentines challenged Charles V’s imperial troops who held the city under siege. A procession of calcio players and corteo storico members will leave from the Palagio Parte Guelfa at 2pm, making its way to piazza Santa Croce, crossing through via Porta Rossa, piazza della Signoria, via della Ninna and via de’ Neri. Religious rituals, team strategizing and performances by the Bandierai degli Uffizi will begin around 3pm in piazza Santa Croce, with the match set to start around 4pm. Entry is free. Call 055/2616056 or email for more information.