English Lessons in Florence, Spring 2015

English Lessons in Florence, Spring 2015

VAI ALLA DESCRIZIONE DEL CORSO IN ITALIANO E IL MODULO PER ISCRIVERSI ALLA PRESENTAZIONE DEL CORSO CLICCANDO QUI.   TF staff has recently fielded enough requests for English lessons in Florence to warrant arranging a course for friends, readers and fans. We’ve partnered with the newly opened English

Thu 15 Jan 2015 1:00 AM

TF staff has recently fielded enough requests for English lessons in Florence to warrant arranging a course for friends, readers and fans. We’ve partnered with the newly opened English Well Spoken, an English bookstore, tea shop and school in the Campo di Marte / Coverciano area, to offer English lessons at two levels. Lessons are taught in their shop/school by qualified instructors. So you know that friend, husband or hairdresser who could use better English for work or travel? Send them this way.

Both beginners and those needing to polish up their business English will enjoy the school’s practical approach and casual setting. Books are seldom used, with preference given to real-life conversational situations. Since people are tired at the end of the day and it’s hard to find the time and desire to learn a language, this course is designed to be fun. The goal is to come out with greater confidence about correctly speaking the language.

Elementary English lesson

Beginners or Elementary level students who learned some English in school will be given the opportunity to utilize and develop their existing knowledge through conversation. The teacher will help students improve their vocabulary and knowledge of grammar through conversation; this method does not use book learning and presentations of grammatical structures and rules. Learning or improving on one’s knowledge of the language in this way enables students to improve their intuition thereby giving them more confidence when they need to communicate outside the classroom. Naturally students who are complete beginners will be given assistance in understanding basic grammar as well.

This class will be held Tuesday nights, 7-9pm, starting March 3, 2015, and will run for 12 consecutive weeks.

Cost: 32 hours of instruction for only €320.

All students receive a complementary paper subscription to The Florentine.

Advanced English lesson

At intermediate and advanced levels participants will be able to converse more in depth  and when students have difficulty expressing themselves due to lack of vocabulary or structure the teacher can then present the necessary language to assist learners in their communication skills. Learning grammar or expressions in this way allows for a more meaningful understanding of the language rather than a set of rules that need to be recalled when speaking.

This class will be held Thursday nights, 7-9pm, starting March 5, 2015, and will run for 12 consecutive weeks.

Cost: 32 hours of instruction for only €320.

All students receive a complimentary paper subscription to The Florentine.

Open house & Sign up

There will be an open house and course presentation, with light refreshments, Wednesday February 25 at 7pm. If you are planning on attending the open house, so we can get a sense of numbers, please sign up on Eventbrite here.

English Well Spoken is located at Via Carlo Poma 7-9r (off Via lungo l’Affrico), right near the bus lines 6 and 20. For information, please call Usini at 055 046 8326 or email info@englishwellspoken.com


If you would like to sign up for lessons but cannot make it to the open house, please contact Usini (above) and reserve your spot in the The Florentine English lessons (she also speaks Italian!).

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