Year: 2012


Urban revolution

Starting 2013, Florence residents will no longer have to move their cars for weekly street cleaning, but instead move them just once a month, the mayor recently announced. One of the results of a new accord between the City of Florence and the Quadrifoglio, the mayor stressed that this and


Greener than ever

Loved by the people of Florence and a key part of its history, Cascine park is showing the signs of years of decline and neglect. However, now that the city's new opera house officially opened in December (see TF 155), members of the local administration now seem intent on


Novoli is Viola’s new home

Palazzo Vecchio has officially started the process of exploring the northern suburb of Novoli as a site for a new stadium complex for the ACF Fiorentina. The process includes examining urban planning ordinances, an environmental assessment, analysis of traffic patterns and public transit capacity, and the city's new ‘


The don’t miss list – Feb 2 to 16

  Our events listing keeps you up-to-date on the latest and greatest in culture, music and other English-friendly entertainment; this is a selection of the best of them.     ...


Movie reviews – Feb 2 to 16,

  For showtimes, see the events listing. Odeon Piazza Strozzi, 2 tel. +39 055 295051   MISSION IMPOSSIBLE-GHOST PROTOCOL February 2,6   In MI4 the IMF is shut down ...


Justice has been done

After 15 long years, on January 23 local authorities inaugurated Florence's new courthouse, located in the suburban area of Novoli.   ‘Today is the end of a long journey that began in 1995, a journey full of obstacles, which led us to usher in a true "citadel of


World’s best

The Mugello international racetrack has won the title of Best Grand Prix 2011. The award, which is determined by drivers, press and other racing professionals through the International Road Racing Teams Association, is the most important recognition in the world of motorcycle racing.  The Tuscan racetrack was named the


How much do you like yourself?

What do young girls think about themselves? How much do the judgements of others define their own personality? What are their worries? Their passions? Their dreams? These are some of the issues examined in the current exhibition, Quanto ti vuoi bene? (How much do you like yourself?), by Australian photographer


Artusi’s ricotta tortelli recipe

Tortelli or their smaller versions, like tortellini, have to be one of Italy's ultimate comfort foods. They hold a special place in the hearts of many Italians who grew up eating them around the New Year.     This recipe for ricotta tortelli is inspired by one of the


Get lost, will you?

There are many ways to find the multitude of faces and places of a more authentic kind of Florence than the one you will see in and around piazza Duomo and the Ponte Vecchio. Finding Florence is an effort all study abroad students should make to seek true authenticity, to


Being an angel of beauty

The Stibbert Museum is located in a small, quiet park located off via Bolognese. When three New York University (NYU) students were given the opportunity to volunteer for a day at the museum and gardens, they readily accepted. It was during the annual Un bacione a Firenze initiative, held September


How to volunteer in Florence

Muhammad Ali once said, ‘Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.' Volunteering is a way to give back to a community and help others, but also to help yourself. Whether it's serving meals to the poor or assisting the elderly, volunteering


A comet and a kiss

On a trip home for the Christmas holiday, I met up with a Florentine friend in San Francisco, where the rogue moved two years ago for a short-term photography gig and a girlfriend whose infatuation for him lasted much less time than his newfound love for the Bay area.


Forza Viola!

Part of living abroad for an extended period is getting to know the local sports teams, and Florence has many to follow, from water polo and rugby to, of course, soccer. Browse back issues of TF for other students' experiences, whether discovering Florence's museum of soccer (TF 114) or


Silk ceilings, wooden spoons

Filmmaker David Battistella moved to Florence from Canada in 2011 to pursue his dream: writing and producing a feature film based on Ross King's 2000 book Brunelleschi's Dome, about the life of Filippo Brunelleschi and the building of Florence's Cupola. This column, which began with TF 149,


Delayed exposure

Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, photographer Brian Duffy created the look of modern, creative Britain. With contemporaries David Bailey and Terence Donovan, Duffy (he was always known by his surname) enlivened the pages of the world's leading style magazines with fashion shots and advertising images that were as restless,


Zucchero ‘Sugar’ Fornaciari

When he appears on stage, frequently wearing a velvet top hat or some other eccentric headgear, Adelmo Fornaciari, in art Zucchero (‘Sugar'), looks more like a snake-oil salesman in a Wild West travelling show than one of Italy's most popular singer-songwriters. An artist whom the great


Keith Sheldrake

We all know the fairytale scenario of a young female foreigner being swept off her feet by a romantic Italian and moving to Florence to live happily ever after. After all, it's not easy for an Italian man to start a new life away from Italy, and it's


Culture quirks

The TF staff must often come to terms with the most common truisms about Italy, Tuscany and Florence. After six years in print, we've pretty much heard and said it all. However, there are a few things about Italy and Tuscany that never seem to get old. And that


The don’t miss list – Jan 19 to Feb 2

Our events listing keeps you up-to-date on the latest and greatest in culture, music and other English-friendly entertainment; this is a selection of the best of them.     HIP/Vintage Selection January 25 to 29, Stazione Leopolda, viale F.lli Rosselli 5 (Florence)   Running during